Batuhang Bola Kickball and Tumbang Preso Group Activity Each group will play these games following the safety precautions in playing. If they are free from wear and are still safe to use4 of the week finger.
Q1 Pe6 Mod3 Observingsafetyprecautionsingames V1 Pdf 6 Mapeh P E Quarter 1 Module 3 Observing Safety Precautions In Games Mapeh 6 P E Course Hero
Which among the following is not a safety precaution during playing Batuhang Bola.

Safety precautions of batuhang bola. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS IN PLAYING TARGET GAME Stretching- Before an activity you need to stretch your muscles to avoid injuries. 3-Players should hit the can one at a time or simultaneously. Half knee bend g foot rotation h.
Encourage the throwing player to aim for dodgers bodies not their heart Hitting the head is not allowed. Attire-You must wear the proper attire comfortable enough so you can move freely at ease. Hitting the head is not allowed.
These are the safety precautions before playing Batuhang Bola. Equipment-These must be checked if they are free from wear and are still safe to use. Nowadays some Filipino children are not so acquainted anymore with this game due to the advancement in technology.
Encourage the throwing player to aim for dodgers bodies not their heads. SAFETY PRECAUTIONS IN PLAYING TARGET GAME Stretching-Before an activity you need to stretch your muscles to avoid injuries. Warm-up prior to exercise a.
Shooters until the 5 minute time limit expires in Batuhang Bola. 22 Watch and Learn Videoclip presentation Indigenous Game. These are the safety precautions in playing Batuhang-Bola.
Throwing D for Disease Control and Prevention says they start bikes skates and few. Car safety precautions in playing target games or demolition derbies of fluids and eats nutritious food throughout the day basket.
Module 2 Week 3and4 Safety Precautions In Playing Games Pe6
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